Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Presentation on U.S. Geographical Region Overview

In class we have reviewed geography terms and illustrations. Today we had a short quiz on the 8 geographical regions. Two students were assigned to briefly research each of the 8 regions.

7th grade only will have part of study skills class Thursday to work on this.

Each partner is responsible to share the following with class this Friday:

Partner 1:
Topography-landscape, major land features and water bodies.
Climate- annually
Challenges- to access and transportation, survival, manufacturing/goods production.

Parter 2:
Longitude and latitude ranges of boundaries of region in all directions.
Picture, drawing, or precise verbal description (so that we can picture it mentally).
Positive points and features: for access/transportation, survival, production of goods / crops.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Preparation for Air Quality in Berkeley Forum this Friday

During the last several days in class we have written strong paragraph statements of your role-playing point of view about the air qualitly/PSC issues.

Besides being confident in reading your statement, you also need to briefly list notes about any questions, criticisms, and comments from other teams with differing points of view.

You should also briefly list your responses to the questions and objections you believe other teams may have to your perspective (statement).

Forum will occur in the usual A,B,C classes Friday morning. Parents and friends are invited, and it will be videotaped. This is a forum (a unique cross between town hall and panel style) followed by discussion (question and answer), not a debate.