Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Presidential Candidates' Identity Profiles and Charts

In class the last two days we have examined the evolution of the two presidential candidates’ identities. Today we read sections of both candidate’s life stages to share in class with each other Friday. In order to focus in on their identities, complete the sheet with a list of “bystander and upstander” examples on one side and the Venn diagram on the other side.
After you complete the list on the worksheet by using your notes from class reading today, fill in the Venn chart with one side being McCain’s upstander/bystander/identity and Obama’s on the other, and of course any common ground in the middle. For instance, both candidates may exhibit heroic qualities (middle) but have much different types of heroism on either side. This is very important step in beginning discussion and pre-writing for Friday’s class. Please come with it to class prepared to share.

Please email me with questions or see me during office hours or lunch.


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