Monday, March 16, 2009

Outline of Slavery Events 1800- 1875: Topics for Individual Research/Presentation

This brings us to Tuesday’s individual assignments for research and presentation for class about remaining key events for slavery, 1808 – 1865. Some work will need to be completed at home in preparation for your presentation to class on the event and its significance.

II. Slavery, 1808 – 1849
A student for each A, B, C group has been assigned to each event below for II and III.

A) 1808, Congress-Ban on African Slave Importation _______________

B) 1820. Missouri Compromise __________________

C) 1822, Denmark Vessey ____________________

D), 1831 Nat Turner ___________________

E) 1831, Wm. Lloyd Garrison ________________

F) 1846, Wilmot Proviso ___________________

G) 1849, Harriet Tubman ____________________

III. Slavery, 1850 – 1865
A) 1850, Mexican War and Compromise of 1850 – California _____________
Stricter fugitive slave laws

B) 1852, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin ________________

C) 1854, Congress and Kansas, Nebraska,
Repeal of Missouri Compromise ____________________

D) 1857, Dred Scott Decision _________________

E) 1859, John Brown, federal arsenal in W. VA, revolt ________________

F) 1861, Confederacy established, South secedes, starts Civil War_______

G) 1863, Lincoln, Emancipation Proclamation ________________

H) 1865, Lincoln assassinated, war ends, 13th Amendment ________________

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