Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Paragraph Journaling on Perspectives that Record and Interpret History

In class today we discussed these 3 ideas at length following our historic case study of immigration in the 1800's.

1) Who records and/or tells (oral) history? Can we ever be certain we hear all of the story or the "truth?"

2) How can we be responsible and intentional when we study or interpret history?

3) Which varying points of view will we need to consider when we learn about the Civil War?

8th grade assignment: please, write a clearly structured paragraph in response to each question (topic sentence, minimum 4 main body sentences that each begin with a linker/transition, and conclusion sentence).

7th grade assignment: you may opt to do one larger paragraph that combines all three questions above with the same paragraph expectations.

Please, locate and use your handouts with "pizzaz, emphasis, importance words for topic and conclusion sentences and the linker/transition chart.

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